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B. Approved Minutes, February 23, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:                     Design Review Board
Date and Time:                          Wednesday February 23, 2011, at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington St.
Members Present:                        David Jaquith, Ernest DeMaio, Helen Sides
Members Absent:                         Chairperson Paul Durand, Michael Blier, Glenn Kennedy,
Others Present:                         Tom Devine
Recorder:                                       Lindsay Howlett

Board Member David Jaquith calls the meeting to order.
Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

  • 201 Washington Street (Hawthorne Building): Discussion of proposed entrance
Alex Schnip from RCG is present on behalf of the Hawthorne Building.

The board reviews a previously submitted proposal package dated February 10, 2011, that includes plans and photos.

Schnip states they would like to install a new entry way at 201 Washington Street.  Schnip adds this would be an entry much like Starbucks to keep with the aesthetic of the building. Schnip further adds they hope this will assist in getting a good vibrant tenant in that block.

Sides states it looked fine to her and is going with the assumption that it will look just like the Starbucks entrance. Sides further adds though the space is dead ended she can always find a parking space. Sides anticipates they can get a quick in, quick out tenant for that need.

DeMaio states it looks fine but asks about the base condition turning the corner.

Schnip states it would be concrete, would be exactly like Starbucks and would be about 4” high. Schnip adds the wood paneling and adjacent materials will be consistent when turning the corner.

Jaquith asks the meeting posts for the door look fat in the proposed picture, unlike the Starbucks.  

Schnip states their intent is to match the Starbucks entry.

Jaquith states to make it match.

Sides:  Motion to approve the dimensions as matching the Starbucks condition, seconded by DeMaio.  Passes 3-0.

Jaquith:                Motion to adjourn, seconded by Sides.  Passes 3-0.  

Meeting is adjourned at 6:13pm.